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Voice Recognition



Welcome to Preschool

5 Star Rating

Mohawk Preschool recently earned a 5 Star Rating from the Ohio Step Up To Quality system. The process to earn this was nearly a year long, including extensive paperwork, a site visit, and staff interviews. This is the highest rating that a preschool program can earn! Mohawk is very proud to have such a high quality program. Our program is also fully licensed by the Ohio Department of Education (ODE). 

Did You Know…Mohawk Preschool! 

Mohawk Preschool earned a 5 Star Rating from the Ohio Step Up To Quality system in 2016 and has retained this high designation every year since. The process to earn this was nearly a year long, including extensive paperwork, a site visit, and staff interviews. This is the highest rating that a preschool program can earn! Mohawk is very proud to have such a high quality program. Our program is also fully licensed by the Ohio Department of Education (ODE). 
I would like to highlight additional items that we are very proud of as well that enhance the quality programing, offerings, and a well-rounded educational experience starting with the preschschool program at Mohawk Local Schools, which separates us other area schools:

  • Licensed preschool with a five-star rating
  • 6 Classes with 3 dual certified teachers
  • 90 + Students ages 3-5
  • We provide preschool transportation within the district
  • Various open enrollment pick-up/drop-off points located in the Mohawk school district 
  • Daily “specials” classes, music, art, library, and gym
  • Classes run the full school day, 8:10-3:10
  • Two class options, M/W/F and T/R
  • We serve students with special needs, with a full range of services
  • A new multisensory curriculum was adopted for the 2021/2022 school year
  • Our teachers are ODE certified to serve both typical and special needs students
  • Daily “onsite” school nurse and clinic in partnership with our local health department
  • A full-time school resource officer (SRO) in partnership with our local sheriff department
  • School therapy dog, Harry, serving our students, faculty and staff
  • Three guidance counselors across PK - 12
  • Fully enclosed playground as an added safety measure
  • Technology in place that enables parents to receive communications/updates, keeping them involved and connected to their child’s daily preschool experiences
  • Mohawk is one of the few school districts where a child can start in a preschool unit and receive their high school diploma without ever changing buildings or school districts
Teaching Staff
Julia Reed
Julia Reed
Preschool Teacher
Jenna Reneau
Jenna Reneau
Preschool Teacher
Danielle Lange
Preschool Teacher
We chose to enroll our children into Mohawk school systems based mostly off of their preschool program. It is hard to find a good program in this area that fits the normal school hours schedule. It was important for us that it be 8a-3p like a normal school day to set a routine that would be similar to K-12. Another reason is I have personally never heard one poorly spoken word on Mohawk’s preschool. I researched preschools for over a year and a half! Mohawk was my top pick. They have amazing, dedicated teaches and an outstanding curriculum.

- Abigail Hefner 
(Mohawk alum; daughter in preschool and one in elementary, has a younger
daughter at home as well)
Why we chose Mohawk Preschool…Mohawk is home for us. We know the system, we know the staff, and that gives us a certain level of comfort. I know when my child goes to school she is not only being taught, she is being cared for and you can’t get that everywhere. I know that at Mohawk, my children will receive a top notch educational experience. We love and will always choose Mohawk!

- Lizzie and Jake Boehler 
(daughter Ellie is in preschool; parents are Mohawk alum; have a younger daughter at home who will start preschool this next year)

Special Needs

It is important to remember that Mohawk also serves preschool students with special needs. If you or someone you know has a student ages 3-5 and has concerns with either speech/language, social emotional, or developmental delays, please contact Brooke Bowlin at 419.927.6222. Mohawk will do a screening to see if the student would need to have an evaluation for special education services. If the child should qualify for special education services, they would be offered free preschool. We are taking these concerns and enrollments throughout the 2022/2023 school year.

New Digital Resource Launched for Preschool Learning

Ohio’s parents and educators have a new resource to help little learners ages 3-5 prepare for school and their futures with the INFOhio Early Learning Portal. The easy-to-navigate site contains more than 50 websites and apps chosen and evaluated by educators and librarians with expertise in early learning and literacy. 

“Our young children are eager to learn. It’s crucial that we nurture that desire and build a solid foundation for future learning,” said Paolo DeMaria, superintendent of public instruction. “Parents and educators can help their students be ready for school through these quality resources that make learning fun.”

“This website is a tremendous resource for parents and child care providers,” said Cynthia C. Dungey, director of the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services. “It has a wealth of concrete suggestions for preparing children to succeed later in school. Best of all, those suggestions are both simple and fun.”

The INFOhio Early Learning Portal helps preschool children:

  • Learn letters, numbers and basic knowledge;
  • Interact with other children and adults;
  • Engage in meaningful play; and
  • Develop focus and problem-solving skills. 

Each resource supports Ohio’s Early Learning and Development Standards for school readiness.

Parents and educators also will find tips on appropriately integrating technology into a preschool child’s learning. Adults are encouraged to use the digital resources with children and participate when they play games, watch videos, or read and listen to e-books on a device.

The INFOhio Early Learning Portal was made possible by a partnership with INFOhio, the Ohio Department of EducationOhio Department of Job and Family Services and the Office of Gov. John Kasich.

Nearly all resources in the portal are available for free, with a few available for a minimal fee.